Animated Whiteboard Explainer Videos: Create Your First Video on Youtube
Want to get started on YouTube but terrified of being on camera yourself? Then this could be the perfect answer for you.
Animated whiteboard explainer videos are a great skill to learn if you are planning on creating a new YouTube channel, or want to incorporate some new techniques for an existing one.
Here's some of the things you will learn: This course was designed for: This course is packed full of interesting lessons that uncover all of the skills and techniques you need to go from a blank canvas to your very own animated explainer video. There are many applications that you can use but for me the best is Videoscribe. Whilst this is a paid application, you can get a 7-day free trial, which allows you ample time to run through this class. For me, Videoscribe is perfect for beginners. It is uncomplicated and effective, we just need to master the basics which is why this class will help you. All you need to do is follow along, ask questions if you are stuck, and you will soon realise how simple it is and wish you had started earlier! Are you ready to start creating your own videos? Great! Let's do this!