This course will teach you in details why each element of a game exists and how to assemble them in an engaging and fun way. This is the most complete Game Design Course you can find, With over one hundred lessons, this course can turn a complete beginner into a Game Designer. This course will teach you how to create Board Games and Digital Games from Scratch. The Game Designer knows a little about every gaming area and a lot about how to group then together in a context that makes sense. FIRST PART In the first part of the course, you will be introduced to the basics of Game Design Theory , such as What defines a Game and how they are made Why games are made What jobs you can get in the game industry and how it works How to get free assets for your games How to write a Game Design Document SECOND PART In the second part, you will learn how to create projects of games using a Game Design Canvas, so you can quickly organize your ideas and develop your project in a very efficient way. THIRD AND FOURTH PART Now you can choose if you want to focus on Digital or Board games. In these sections, you’ll learn about The history of Digital and Board Games since the first games until today How to manage game projects using Kanban and Trello What kind of elements and components are used in a game How to create prototypes and validate your ideas What is the best way of earning money with each type of project How to balance a game using Math, Level Design and Progression Systems How the players think and what they want with the psychology of players How to publish your games By the end of this course, you’ll be able to: Analyse and rate existing games Create and manage game projects from scratch Choose the best types of mechanics, aesthetics and theme for each type of project. Create prototypes quickly. BONUSES You’ll also be able to download the presentation used in this course and get acces to templates of: Game Design Analysis Template: so you can practice your Game Designer Skills by rating games you already play. Game Design Document Template: so you can organize your game rules and parts Game Design Canvas Template: so you can clearly see how your game works using a table of contents. By the end of some classes, I’ll challenge you to do some exercises, to help you learn better. They are not mandatory, but they can make you become a better game designer. This course will help you create a bionic eye, after your know how games are made, playing them will never be the same again.