Rikard Rodin - Photoshop Compositing Toolkit
Rikard Rodin - Photoshop Compositing Toolkit

What's Inside:

 10 foreground leaves and petal overlays with transparency
15 texture overlays to give your images texture and detail Color Presets 
6 color grading curve presets,
10 gradient map presets Brush Presets 
10 atmosphere brush presets (dust, smoke and bokeh) Actions 
3 Photoshop actions (sharpen, clarity and lightsaber glow)

Jumpstart your Photoshop compositing using this huge collection of essential and powerful tools and training!

Imagine you could…

  • Quickly and easily blend two images together in Photoshop!
  • Add texture to your images in seconds to add interest and drama to your images!
  • Bypass the learning curve of Photoshop and create images that you love!



Rikard Rodin - Photoshop Compositing Toolkit
Rikard Rodin - Photoshop Compositing Toolkit
Rikard Rodin - Photoshop Compositing Toolkit


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