Tribe Archipelago - 1888 AD Presets for ACR & LightroomTribe Archipelago - 1888 AD Presets for ACR & Lightroom

Tribe Archipelago - 1888 AD Presets for ACR & Lightroom
1888AD is the newest Tribe creation. Distinct from our other products, 1888AD is inspired by a deep love for analog photography. The presets and profiles are designed to reflect the clean, timeless spirit of film. 1888 pays homage to the year in which Kodak released their first commercially successful box camera for roll film, and forever changed the way we capture memories.  This brand is wonderfully suited to hybrid film /digital shooters, and for anyone who reveres the enduring beauty of analog photography.  We are 1888AD... Analog inspired Digital Presets and Creative Profiles.

The 1888AD Set includes 2 BW & 4 Color Profiles & 21 Adjustment Presets. (which are activated by using the included Basic Develop presets). Prices in US Currency. 


Tribe Archipelago - 1888 AD Presets for ACR & Lightroom

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