Support engine version: 2019.4.0 or higher.
You can always get the latest update of this package for free from us - just check the links below.
The Brute Force Sand Shader lets you create interactive sand combined with rock textures for PC/Mac/Linux/Nintendo Switch and mobile devices.
Compatibility with Unity Standard and URP
-Mutlicompatibility: works on PC/Mac/Linux/Nintendo Switch/WebGl and mobile devices
-Simplicity: Drag and drop materials
-Tessellation: Custom tessellation based on camera distance
-Dynamic Custom Shadows: Sand & Rocks featuring custom colored shadows and shadow casting
-Interactivity: With a simple particle system you can create interactive effects like a trail on mouse/player position
-Customization: Fully customizable Sand, render everything with a single material
-Additive Sand: A new feature letting you add sand to any mesh with one simple component, compatible with any other simple assets
-Lights Support: 4x point lights and spot lights support (with shadow casting)
-Terrain: Use texture Splat Map to draw sandy and rocky terrains, the asset features a compatibility tool to work with other terrain assets.
-VR Support: Works with Multi and Single Pass Stereo rendering Version: 1.1 Home Page: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/vfx/shaders/brute-force-sand-shader-239142
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